Fact (facts) occurrence is something that actually happened. Something not opinion, but fact. The fact may be true, but it can also be wrong.
Asking, giving, and denying fact is an expression used to ask, express and reject a fact.

Here are some expressions that could be used to inquire fact (fact asking):

– Can you tell me what’s going on?
– Tell me more about it!
– How did it happen?
– How come?
– I need to know the fact.
– I’d like to know more about it.
– Is it true that …?

Response (giving fact) which is used among other things:
– Here’s the fact / story. …
– Let me tell you. …
– Well the facts / story is like this …
– Yes, it’s true.

Meanwhile, the expression to deny the fact (denying fact) include:
– It’s not true …
– No, it never happens.

– No, I do not do that.

The examples of asking and giving a fact

Rio : Yesterday I met a girl at a pharmacy. We introduced ourselves and had a chitchat. Her name is Mona.
Feby : Mona? She might be my classmate.
Rio : She said so. She wears spectacles, right?
Feby : Yes, she is tall and has curly hair. Um.. wait a minute. I have a photograph of her. Her it is.
Rio : Let me see.. Well, yes, this is the girl I met yesterday. Anyway, may I have her phone number? I forgot to ask her for it.
Feby : Sorry, I can’t give it to you now. I’ll ask Mona’s permission first.
Rio : O.K